首頁 航空新聞紐西蘭航空-奧克蘭機場燃油短缺


紐西蘭航空訊息(ANZ NOTICE 23-2017)說明如下
請已在紐西蘭旅遊的旅客可利用當地24小時免付費電話0800737000,或利用以下網址查訊最新航班訊息Travel Alerts page
Auckland Airport Fuel Shortage 
Due to the temporary shut-down of Refining New Zealand’s pipeline into Auckland is currently impacting all airlines operating into and out of Auckland Airport and limiting the volume of jet fuel able to be uplifted. 
Air New Zealand is currently working through the implications for its operations over coming days and is putting a range of measures in place.
It may affect some long-haul services to and from Asia and North America to undertake refueling stops at selected Pacific or Australian airports.
To ensure you remain up to date in regards to your flight, please check ourTravel Alerts page for the latest information.
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